In the rapidly evolving publishing landscape, digital marketing offers you an efficient and cost-effective way to navigate the online world and thrive as authors. By harnessing the power of technology and digital platforms, you can build a strong online presence, engage with readers, and establish themselves as reputable and influential voices in your respective genres.

Digital marketing enables you to tailor your promotional efforts to specific demographics and reader preferences. By understanding the interests and needs of your target audience, you can craft personalized and compelling messages that resonate with potential readers. This fosters a sense of connection and builds a loyal following, resulting in increased book sales and a dedicated readership.

Virtual Marketing through Google Campaign

Due to digitization, the majority of book purchasers, readers, and influencers do their research online before purchasing or obtaining any book. Whether it be mainstream publishing houses, literary agencies, individuals working in the film industry, or even the media. And they conduct their study via Google.

YouTube Service

YouTube is the world's leading online video platform, with over two billion monthly active users and 35 billion total visits in November 2022. YouTube offers a unique opportunity for businesses and individuals to reach a global and diverse audience, as well as to interact with them through comments and likes. In this proposal, we will present some of the key features and benefits of YouTube, as well as some of the best practices and strategies for maximizing your YouTube presence and performance.


  • YouTube subscribes (1,000 subs)
  • YouTube subscribes (2,000 subs)
  • YouTube Likes (1,000 likes)
  • YouTube Likes (2,000 likes)
  • YouTube Comments (500 comments)
  • YouTube Comments (1,000 comments)

Facebook Service

Facebook is the world's largest and most popular social network, with almost three billion monthly active users and 35 billion total visits in November 2022. Facebook offers a unique opportunity for businesses and individuals to connect with their customers, fans, friends, and family, as well as to share and discover content that matters to them. In this proposal, we will present some of the key features and benefits of Facebook, as well as some of the best practices and strategies for maximizing your Facebook presence and performance.


  • Facebook Followers (1,000 followers)
  • Facebook Followers (2,000 followers)
  • Facebook Likes (1,000 likes)
  • Facebook Likes (2,000 likes)
  • Facebook Views (5,000 views)
  • Facebook Views (10,000 views)

Instagram Service

Instagram is the world's leading online photo and video-sharing platform, with over two billion monthly active users and 51.4 billion dollars in revenue in 2022. Instagram offers a unique opportunity for businesses and individuals to showcase their creativity, personality, and brand, as well as to connect with their customers, fans, friends, and family. In this proposal, we will present some of the key features and benefits of Instagram, as well as some of the best practices and strategies for maximizing your Instagram presence and performance.


  • Instagram Followers (1,000 followers)
  • Instagram Followers (2,000 followers)
  • Instagram Likes (1,000 likes)
  • Instagram Likes (2,000 likes)
  • Instagram Views (5,000 views)
  • Instagram Views (10,000 views)

Online Publicist Campaign

To promote your book and spread the word, you'll collaborate with an online publicist to develop, implement, and carry out a publicity campaign. Your publicist will create a personalized Strategic Plan after reading your book to serve as a roadmap for the remainder of the campaign. This plan will suggest the best route for your PR and implement a plan specifically designed to meet your needs.

Online Management Service

It is a virtual support professional that helps authors manage daily projects on social media.

They're in charge of maintaining the operations of the selected social media platforms and the author’s website by updating and monitoring the contents, establishing goals, and measuring their progress.

Website Services

By showcasing their books online, connecting with readers, and expanding their online profile, authors can benefit from having websites. A homepage, book page, blog page, contact page, etc. are just a few of the pages the website will contain. Your website will be properly managed by a search engine optimization specialist who will also recommend book-to-book searches that are relevant to your genre and content.


  • Basic Website
  • Premium Website

Email Marketing Campaign

A planned series of individual emails sent over a defined period for a predetermined aim is an email marketing campaign. Millions of current users of this service who are interested in the same book genre are specifically targeted.

Premium Book Trailer

A book trailer is a teaser or promotional video that focuses on your book's story arc. It allows you to reach a broader audience. As a result, making a book trailer offers potential readers a straightforward and enjoyable method to discover more about your book. Moreover, you increase your book's exposure by creating something people are more likely to share with others.


  • Premium Book Trailer Service
  • Premium Book Trailer Service with guaranteed 10,000 YouTube Views
  • Premium Book Trailer Service with guaranteed 20,000 YouTube Views


  • 5,000 Guaranteed Views
  • 10,000 Guaranteed Views
  • 20,000 Guaranteed Views

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